Wear Your Years With Pride

You’ve probably heard the saying “Getting old is not for sissies.” But, did you know who is credited with originating that sentiment? It was the actress Bette Davis. If that’s a new fact you’ve just learned, then it’s a good example of why getting older is so wonderful.
We keep learning, and growing, and discovering all kinds of interesting things. Celebrate the miracle of each new day as the gift it is meant to be.
“Old people are cool” is the name of a campaign recently embarked on by our friends at Linked Senior. This initiative is focused on promoting the positive experience of growing older by celebrating all that people are and do as they age. They have initiated a crusade against ageism, and we are happy to join in.
A great deal of thought was put into using the word “old.” After all, most of us fight looking and feeling old. Those first gray hairs, wrinkles, or aches and pains herald an all-out war in the form of dyes, creams, and medications. Most people don’t like to think of themselves as old, but the truth is we should wear our years with pride. The experiences lived, the lessons learned, the wisdom gained—all add up to a better self. And then there’s the issue of time, and as we age, there seems to be more of it every
day—time to stop and smell the roses as they say.
So, instead of getting up early and dragging yourself to work—sleep as long as you want, get dressed at your leisure, do the things you want to do, and, most of all, be at peace with yourself.
Let’s celebrate the word old and embrace all the wonderful things our many years have given us.
– Excerpt from Activity Connection article